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  • Writer's pictureTerry Roberts

Construction Financing One-Time Closing!

I want to take a quick second and just talk to any of you out there who are thinking about building your next home!

Wouldn’t it feel nice to know that your rate is locked and secured, your construction financing and your permanent financing is in place and 100% guaranteed before you ever begin building? And only 5% down payment? This may be possible for you and your family!

A common question I've been getting a lot lately is, " you do construction loans?" and the answer is, "yes"! In fact we do offer a one-time closing construction loan, which basically means once your plans are complete, typically within 45 days of us getting a copy of your final plans we can close on your construction loan so that you can just worry about getting the house built. No subsequent credit checks, no last second verification of employment, no worries about the interest rate expiring. It’s all done!

Once the home is built, you move into it. The financing is already complete and that's exciting stuff! So give me a call I'd love to discuss with you. I hope you have a great day!

Terry Roberts, USMC Veteran Sr. Mortgage Broker NMLS 397987

E Mortgage Capital


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